Amaryllis - Double Record: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Double Record: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Double Record: 1 Bulb

Amaryllis - Double Record: 1 Bulb


White & Red Double Bloom Amaryllis | Amaryllis Double Record

You'll do a double take when you see Amaryllis Double Record bloom. This Christmastime Amaryllis has lovely, fully double flowers with white petals liberally brushed and feathered with crimson. A strong and generous bloomer, with layer upon layer of petals, Double Record will give you double the pleasure.

Plant immediately upon receiving and keep the soil somewhat dry. Gradually increase watering slightly as you start to see new green growth sprout. Once the bulb is finished blooming, it will grow long, straplike leaves, turning into a great houseplant. Move outside for the summer, then bring indoors in the fall, cut back the leaves, and allow the bulb to dry out. It will send up another bloom stalk. Enjoy!

Easy to Grow Features

  • 22-26 inches tall when in bloom
  • Double white blooms heavily feathered in scarlet, kiwi throat
  • 40-60 days to bloom
  • Bright light indoors, full sun to light shade outdoors (zones 8b-10)