Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb
Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb

Amaryllis - Picotee: 1 Bulb

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White & Scarlet Amaryllis Bulbs For Sale | Amaryllis Picotee

Amaryllis Picotee produces big, snowy white blooms, finely edged in a slender margin of scarlet. The perfect flowers of amaryllis Picotee must be appreciated in person. If you appreciate a beautiful garnish - perfect chocolate curls on the top of a layer cake or fragrant, ripe strawberries fanned alongside a stack of fresh hotcakes - you'll love this graceful amaryllis.

Flowers are pure white, accented with a vivid red picotee edge and contrasting green throat. Exquisite. Note - Picotee bulbs are often a bit slow to break dormancy, but are beautiful and so worth the wait when they do bloom.

When you receive your amaryllis bulb, plant it and just barely water until you start to see new, green growth emerge from the top of the bulb. Then, gradually increase water but never let the soil get soggy. Makes a great houseplant after it finishes blooming!

Easy to Grow Features

  • 18-24 inches tall while in bloom
  • Pure white with a brilliant red ribbon edge
  • 40-60 days to bloom
  • Bright light indoors, full sun to light shade outdoors (zones 8b-10)