Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs
Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs

Cyclamen - Angel Flutter Mix: 3 Bulbs

$9.95 $13.95

Pretty White & Pink Cyclamen Bulbs for Sale | Angel Flutter Mix

Make the shady spots in your garden feel pretty too with the enchanting white and pink blooms of hardy Cyclamen. These whimsical perennials form low mounds of dense, heart-shaped, silver-traced leaves with beaming, upswept blossoms. These little woodland plants' fluttering flowers lend a magical air to the garden from fall through spring and ask for very little care in return. Not to mention, they deliver a lovely fragrance and will naturalize and thrive with ease. Stunning when planted en masse, sweet in small containers, and, well, gorgeous in really any setting!

Easy to Grow Features:

  • Zone: 5-9 or Indoors
  • Height: 3-6 in.
  • Spread: 6-8 in.
  • Sunlight: Partial Shade; Bright Indirect Indoors
  • Water: Moderate to Low in Dormancy
  • Flowering time: Fall to Winter
  • Flower Color: White & Pink