Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs
Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs
Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs
Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs
Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs

Triteleia - Queen Fabiola: 20 Bulbs

$6.95 $11.95

Fragrant Purple-Blue Triteleia Bulbs for Sale | Queen Fabiola

Prepare to get lost in the starry, deep purple-blue blossoms of Triteleia Queen Fabiola. A glorious native of the Northwest, these dreamy darlings are recognized by experienced gardeners as worthy additions to outdoor beds and rock gardens, but don't forget to snip a few for charming bouquets. The delightfully fragrant flowers rise to 20" tall on slender stems from late spring to early summer with very minimal care.

While Queen Fabiola is unfamiliar to many, we'd love to change that and encourage you to experiment with something a little different. Additionally, these blooms extend the show by opening in succession rather than all at once! We love planting them with Lady's Mantle as the Triteleia's cool tones poke out through the foliage and contrast sharply with its soft, fluffy chartreuse blooms. Enjoy!

Easy to Grow Features

  • Zone: 6-9
  • Height: 12-20 in.
  • Spread: 3-4 in.
  • Sunlight: Partial Sun to Partial Shade
  • Water: Moderate; Dry Summer Dormancy
  • Flowering time: Late Spring to Early Summer
  • Flower Color: Purple-Blue